Advocate The Public On Online Piracy

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why Online Piracy Getting Famous?

Online Piracy is getting famous because consumers want only the musicals, films, software but not the price. The price of the original copy would be very expensive, resulted public can't afford to buy the product. So, online piracy began.
Besides that, if someone intended to buy a original films, musicals or others, do they really own a original product from a outlet? There's a probabilities that some outlets are using original price to sell not original product to public and cause the public disappointed on the product and so the online piracy started as well. Sometime, we can't blame all to the internet users, some of them might not be wanted to do like that, but the environment forced them to be like that.
As computer user's knowledge, a original software would cost them so expensive and also need to pay licensing fees for mass usage in a company. Imagine how much do the software total price cost?

*For example, lets count total amount of software needed for a house with 20 students.
if a original software cost RM2500 + licensing fees per computer RM100 x 20 = Total RM5500.

*The information and prices provided in example part is for examples purpose only.

In the past few years, efforts to stop online piracy 'pointless' due to massive internet users in the online world. To handle this problem in the future, we need solid, massive support from all sectors including the internet service providers.

1 comment:

  1. It is true that nowadays most people prefer online piracy than buying the original copy.
    Plus, it is cheaper than the original one. Sum up everything, it save a lot of money too.
    However, it is not a good thing to do so because it pulls down the price of de original copy and the sales turns bad.
    It is also difficult for the government to band online piracy. no matter software or what
