This is a Picture of iPhone. But, look properly, it not an Apple iPhone actually. It just one of the duplicate iPhone. This product is coming from China, even Apple iPhone, also can facing online piracy. People who don't know, and if they trying to purchase the item from internet, they might mislead by this picture. Because, it exactly the same with the iPhone, even the logo of the iPhone at the back is also the same, and it written iPhone too. Some people pay Rm2500, to get a cheap duplicate product like this. This product is selling RM400-500 for market price, but some people, they selling Rm1500-2000, because they trying to scam people who don't know much bout iPhone. The duplicate iPhone, and a original iPhone, has a very big different, which is the LCD used by duplicate iPhone is very low quality, by viewing the LCD image, u wil feel the phone is worst. but people who see iPhone before, they know how sharpess the display. Even this duplicate iPhone can design the exactly same interface with original iPhone. Even iPhone can face such problem. What is impossible somemore? can you think about it?
well since iPhone itself facing such problem of piracy, I bet they can do more piracy on other things.. it's a very beneficial post for users now so that they can really survey and seek info on the product before purchasing it, let it be a iPhone or other things.