Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Duplicate iPhone

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Piracy, piracy and piracy again..
Friday, March 13, 2009
Should we commit online piracy?
In my post today, I wonder if we should commit online piracy if we have a really great idea or production but without the connections. Yes although by doing so, we might get a chance for our work to be recognized by the world, but it is illegal. Online piracy is a crime, and we shouldn't be doing it. Please share with me on what do you think about this issue. Will you take a risk for a ticket to success?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Surprised, Shocked, and feel helpless for Original PC hardware
Here is the matter:
"I think that there's been this dirty little secret among hardware manufacturers, which is that the perception of free content - even if you're supposed to pay for it on PCs - is some sort hidden benefit that you get when you buy a PC, like a right to download music for free or a right to download pirated movies and games," Hollenshead said in an interview with [More...]cdfreaks, Piracy is hidden benefit for PC hardware, Retrieved on 8th March, 2009
URL: http://www.cdfreaks.com
Those who don't know what is Holograms Sticker here some info

The holograms above in general designs as ORIGINAL, AUTHENTIC, SECURE, can be made in different color base material. These photos are holograms labels made of silver color tamper evident base material. To increase security, it's good to make pressure sensitive tamper evident (temper-proof) self-adhesive holograms with pattern released feature material which will leave word as ‘VOID', ‘ORIGINAL' when peeled off. It's also great to make sequential numbers(transparent or black) on these holograms.Holographic stickers are mainly 2D/3D with depth & dot-matrix with kinetic effect. Hologram sticker is widely applied onto document, pack or product, for authentication, brand protection and promotion.
Hologram-Supplier, Hologram Experts Retrieved on 8th March,2009
URL: http://hologram-supplier.com
If next time you guys want to buy something through online, please do check is it 100% genuine or original. Money is earn by our own effort, spend it wisely.
Books Being Pirated Online
It is not hard to create a copy of pirate book. According to Richard Loeffler in his article of Book Piracy on the Web,
"All you need is a copy of the book you want to "give away" and a scanner with optical character recognition software and the patience to scan the book, clean it up and post to a web site. It is not difficult to do. In fact this is what the volunteers at Project Gutenberg do.." more
[Online], Retrieved on 8th March, 2009
URL: http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/e-books/78353/1
I remembered 3 years ago, a friend of mine knew that I read Harry Potter and she passed me a link that contains all of the Harry Potter series in it. That time the latest book is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It has just been released not long and it is already available for download online. I was really shocked but I insisted on buying the book because I trying to make a collection out of it. To those of you who are keen readers, have you encountered any case like mine before? Please share with me by posting it at the comments section thanks ^^
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Most of the iPhone in Malaysia are illegal?Why?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Social Networking Sites Impact Music Downloads
The number of people downloading legally has dropped because people can download it online for free through user profiles from social networking sites. According to the results from the article, 39% of the social networking sites users have songs embedded to their profile. By doing so, their friends who viewed their profile might like the songs embedded on it and ending up searching it from the internet to download for free.
I am a social networking site user too and I embed songs to my profiles too. I find it very convenient for me to access my songs when I online from somewhere else. I have friends who are telling me that they think that the songs embedded to my profile is nice and they've already downloaded it. They even give me the link to download it. The songs are available in 320kbits and it's free of charge. No wonder why people are opting for illegal downloads nowadays. It is because they can get the songs in best quality without paying a single cent.
I would suggest to the others who embed songs to their profiles, please do not allowed your users to download it. Using websites such as Imeem can help to prevent illegal download cases because other users will not be able to download the songs.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
iPhone facing online piracy too??!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Online Piracy Plagued Media World
Recently in this few years the governments from all over the world have taken measures in flushing out the piracy. Unfortunately the clean flushing still on the far way to go due to the massive users in the internet.
A media release from Software & Information Industry Association 2008 [PDF]
SIIA Extends Online Software Anti-Piracy Campaign with First-Ever
Lawsuits Against Sellers on Amazon.com and iOffer.com
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Online Piracy hits the Game Industry too
While searching for information on this issue, I've found an article which is very well researched to show the impact of piracy on the game industry.
"If there's a single topic that's guaranteed to cause heated debate among PC gamers today, it's piracy and the impact it's having on the PC gaming industry. Almost every gamer you speak to has a strong opinion on this topic, ranging from full support for piracy to total condemnation of it..."more
[Online], Retrieved on 15th Feb, 2009
URL: http://www.tweakguides.com/Piracy_1.html
The article consist of everything you need to know about the relation between online piracy and game industry. Not only this article, there are other people who are having problem with this issue too and sound out their dissatisfaction on it.
"Spore was without doubt the most anticipated game of the year. The game itself has blown away the people who have played it, but the DRM encouraged thousands to get their copy illegally. Already Spore has been downloaded more than 500,000 times on BitTorrent, and this number is increasing rapidly." <more>
[Online], Retrieved on 15th Feb, 2009
URL: http://torrentfreak.com/spore-most-pirated-game-ever-thanks-to-drm-080913/
The second article is about the most anticipated game, Spore. Someone leaked it on Torrent resulting the game to be downloaded and played by more than 500,000 people around the world. Imagine how much the company that produced the game had lost because of this. Usually as a user, we will not care about all this but imagine some day in future, you've put in a lot of effort and hard work to come with a game which is supposed to be the hit of the year and few months before the game was launched, your game is already available for download online and free of charge. All your hard work and effort is paid with nothing.
I am a gamer myself and I know developing a game is not an easy task, what more a good game. I do not download the games from internet illegally like most people do. I hope that other gamers out there will take my heed too. Stop downloading it illegally online or else one day, they might just stop producing quality games for us.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
what cause online piracy??
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Environmental Factor?

[Online], Retrieved on 15th Feb, 2009
URL: http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/mfl/lowres/mfln199l.jpg
Petrol price increment few months ago resulted almost all the product prices to increase as high as possible. Few months later the petrol price drop back to normal, but do the product prices drop as well? The answer is NO!!!..now the FMCG, entertainment and almost all routine products price still as high as the Fraser Hill compare to price in few months ago.
Monopolists of the routine product are getting richer with the price increment but not the citizen. Monthly income that never increase but the price still expensive after those period, how do citizen survive with such price increment? The increased of the product price, people intend to try to buy a product for lower price, so, the online piracy and pirated products are getting popular.
Anti-Piracy organization often held anti campaign to urge the citizen for not support the piracy. Why don't they fix the tax system, salary system, product price system instead of standing at air-con hall to urging people to stand away from piracy.
With the economic crisis now, people tend to support more on piracy. Low monthly income, high demand of the price in FMCG, entertainment makes people cant afford to buy the genuine products.
Solve the basic factor of the piracy so the piracy issue will slowly decrease too.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Somebody do something
Wonder when will we Malaysians come up with something like this, or perhaps an anti online piracy campaign?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Teenager addict to online piracy
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Soul Killer + Sadness Trigger = ONLINE PIRACY
As my experience, I, myself is planning to join a video competition soon, and the preparation for the films are killing me. Although it is an easy task for some of the people for a short movie in just 15-25mins, is that simple for some people? Try yourself and imagine yourself then you will know what difficulties you'll face. Now I know, those people who create a particular films, audio, books, software that contributed almost all their soul and time into a product. Everything in the products has their own blood, their own sweat, their own efforts and their own soul. Do you agree on that?
Last time I was thinking that movie production is not that difficult due to massive manpower joined into the process to make a 1hour 50mins movie. But once i involved in this field, and i realize, it's not the manpower problem, but it is effort and time matter, it is not an easy task. Normally they used 2-5 years for them to produce a fine 2hours movie in Hollywood, Hong Kong and even Bollywood with a lot of money involved. They are professional.
Completed movie or products seems like a satisfaction, a soul, a art, a monetary trigger (which they reserve for that) for owner and creators. We should feel sympathy for them with the popular crime in the internet misuse their products.
Music still facing Online piracy CLICK HERE [PDF]
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Online Piracy is not 100% negative
Can internet piracy result in more and better movies? "Of course, not!" is probably our stock reaction. By illegally downloading and sharing films, pirates steal the revenue that would otherwise reward and encourage film-makers--or so we are told by lawyers, economists, and lobbyists for Hollywood studios..more (http://www.moreintelligentlife.com/node/719)
Most of the time whenever we see the word online piracy, it is usually associated with all the negative effects BUT for the very first time, I'm actually reading an article that says that online piracy is good.
It is good in a sense that it helped a small Indie film to go BIG on the screens of America. This shows that online piracy can actually play a role to "promote" small movies. Everything has its pros and cons, although online piracy has brought a lot of loss and harm to the entertainment industry but there are people who benefited from it. Could there be a chance that online piracy can actually be something that can benefits everyone if used in the right way? Feel free to leave your comments on what you think about the article and if you agree or not.
Monday, February 2, 2009
The cause of online piracy!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Help Kids Avoid Online Piracy& Illegal download
- Online piracy is stealing(means the felon will be arrested)
- According to the US copyright law, a fine of USD 30,000 will be given
- Unwanted exposure to virus or trojan horses that will compromise information
- Risky exposure to unwanted spyware which compromise personal information that might lead to identity theft
- Keep the computer in living room, and set a time for your kid to use the computer, and make sure they understand what they can do, and what they can't do.
- Use some web service can allow you to keep track of your child online activities.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Why Online Piracy Getting Popular Among Internet?
Online piracy is getting popular nowadays. They publish pirated music, video, software through the internet because they want to make their website to become "hotspot" for their home page. The word "hotspot" means favorite web page among the others. More user visit the web page, means more circulation for the web page, more circulation means valuable and the factor begin, is to earn money.
How they earned money through web page? Thing that familiar among us, Advertisement.
For the advertiser's mind, if website is very popular and a lot user surf to the page, means the impact is more effective. All of you can see those websites that published pirated products, their web pages normally came together with the advertisement. Do not believe? Try yourself.
These days, people are getting smart, they using free forum and allow third party to upload the pirated videos, software, musics. Why they are doing like that? It is because they will not get involve into any lawsuit in the future. Don't understand? It means if a particular products author, owner sue the forum owner, they can give reason that the pirated products are not published by them. Some more the forum registered members do not need I/C to apply for the membership. So, advantages sided on internet users, forum owners but not the product authors.
Money come by $0.01 to $1.00 per user surfed to the particular web page depend on country/advertiser. Imagine, there are 1000 users surf to the pirated published website per day/week/month. How much is that? Count yourself.
*More facts to come, stay tuned in this blog :)
Friday, January 30, 2009
How to Prevent Online Piracy
Let's say you have a file which is created by you and you would like to share it with your friends online but you do not wish your masterpiece to be misused by other users.
Tip #1: Upload it at websites that are trusted only. Remember to add in password to accessed the files so that only users authorized by you will be able to download the file.
Tip #2: Remember to write in details to the files such as produced by who and others so that the credits will go to you.
Tip #3: Add on watermark to you files to prevent people from spreading the file without permission.
Those are some of the suggestions on what you can do to prevent online piracy. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to leave a comment thank you ^^
Friday, January 23, 2009
Why Online Piracy Getting Famous?
Besides that, if someone intended to buy a original films, musicals or others, do they really own a original product from a outlet? There's a probabilities that some outlets are using original price to sell not original product to public and cause the public disappointed on the product and so the online piracy started as well. Sometime, we can't blame all to the internet users, some of them might not be wanted to do like that, but the environment forced them to be like that.
As computer user's knowledge, a original software would cost them so expensive and also need to pay licensing fees for mass usage in a company. Imagine how much do the software total price cost?
*For example, lets count total amount of software needed for a house with 20 students.
if a original software cost RM2500 + licensing fees per computer RM100 x 20 = Total RM5500.
*The information and prices provided in example part is for examples purpose only.
In the past few years, efforts to stop online piracy 'pointless' due to massive internet users in the online world. To handle this problem in the future, we need solid, massive support from all sectors including the internet service providers.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Is Online Piracy Beneficial to the Users?
Most people of Generation Y are computer literate. This is the reason why online piracy is much more popular and preferred by people nowadays. It's so simple, just get the sources for "free downloads" and with just a few simple clicks you can get what you want. Besides that, downloading from the internet is totally free while you need to pay if you are getting a pirated DVD from outside. The only thing we need to pay is our internet and electricity bills, agree?
Online piracy is more popular because it is harder to trace the person who has committed it, and the authorities are more lenient on the laws imposed for online piracy compared than piracy in real life. For example, you can easily track where your friend bought the pirated DVD from but it's not easy for you to track the original source for a movie that you friend downloaded from the internet because it might have been passed around through hundreds of people.
We should not be abusing the internet to do illegal things that will harm others. Most of the offenders are teenagers and young adults such as students. Although there is a saying that "Sharing is Caring" but we must be careful on what we are sharing. Sharing things that are gained through piracy is definitely not caring.

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Piracy violated COPYRIGHTS, What? Who? How?

Lots of people know the meaning of COPYRIGHT, but do they really know?
Here are some basic information about COPYRIGHT......
Copyright in relation to musical, literally, film work is the exclusive rights which the owner has over its use and his entitlement to rely on the law to prevent others from using such work without his/her consent. The Copyright Act of 1987 defines copyright in relation to a works as being the exclusive rights to:
- reproduce a work in any material form;
- communicate a work to the public;
- perform, show or play a work to the public;
- distribute copies of a work to the public by sale or transfer of ownership;
- commercial rent a work to the public
The author of the work is the first owner of the copyright. However, where the work is written by an employee in the course of his duties, then the employer is regarded as the legal author of the work. On the other hand where the making of a work is commissioned and in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, the author and the ownership of the copyright by him is only surrendered if he should assign his exclusive rights to the commissioning party.
Generally speaking, copyright in the work subsists during the life of the author and seventy (70) years after his death. As regards a work of joint authorship, the life of the author who dies last is used for the purpose of calculating copyright duration of the works.
The copyright in works is infringed by a person who, not being the owner of the copyright, published, sales, modification without permission of the copyright owner, does or causes any of above mentioned acts controlled by copy right under the Copyright Act of 1987.
Still can't get what COPYRIGHT means? Click Here
Friday, January 16, 2009
Malaysia: Piracy King?
Don't believe me? Have a look at the quotes below:
International Herald Tribune, Pirated discs thrive in Malaysia,
[Online], Retrieved 16th Jan 2009,
URL: http://www.iht.com
The Recording Industry Association in Malaysia, Pirated CDs, New law to punish building owners,
[Online], Retrieved 16th Jan 2009,
URL: http://www.rim.org.my/
Tech Shout, Malaysia receives warning over pirated CD's,
[Online], Retrieved 16th Jan 2009,
URL: http://www.techshout.com/hardware/2005/08/malaysia-receives-warning-over-pirated-cds/
Would you like to be known as a citizen of the world's famous Pirated Country? Seriously after reading all the articles I really have to think twice before exposing my nationality if I ever meet a foreigner -_-" Imagine if this happens one day:
Me : Well I'm from Malaysia, have you heard of it?
Foreigner: Oh ya I've heard of your country. It's the leading country for piracy right?
Me: Errr... *speechless*
What will you feel if this situation really happens one day? Don't keep the "this-will-not-happen-to-me" attitude because you will never know :) time to do something Malaysians